Drop it in a mailbox before the dawn of the second day.ĭay 2, around 2pm, go to the Clock Town Laundry Pool. Talk to Anju and she will give you the Letter to Kafei. She makes an appointment with you in the kitchen at 11:30pm.ĭay 1, around midnight, be in the inn's kitchen. After his departure put on your Kafei's Mask and talk to Anju. Accept to find her son Kafei and you will receive Kafei's Mask.ĭay 1, at 2pm, be in the Stock Pot Inn (same district) when the postman arrives and delivers a letter to Anju.
Hey listen: For more details and other variants, check out the Tips and Tricks.ĭay 1, from 10am, go to the Town Hall in East Clock Town, open the door on the right and talk to Madame Aroma.